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RadiAnt DICOM Viewer - Discussion Forum
SUV caculate

Jan 15, 2019 09:59 AM
by lanlan
I viewed PET images using your nice software and I get SUVbw in ellipse tools. This show some information about that. It includes SUV value. I see your answer under the "How is SUV calculated from DICOM PET/CT image files" theme how to calculate the SUV.
But I used the formula below to get the SUV value the same as shown on the software. This formula is SV * ResacleSlope + RescaleIntercept. The SV is the value stored in (7FE0,0010). ResacleSlope is the value stored in (0028,1053). RescaleIntercept is the value stored in (0028,1052).
But I tried your formula with my PET data. My calculated result is not the same as Radiant reported.

Thank you!
Jan 18, 2019 07:12 PM
by RadiAnt
PET DICOMs can have pixel data with different units (tag 0054,1001). The formula in can be used for pixel data with Bq/ml values.
Jul 19, 2019 07:34 AM
by Dr. Elnur Mehdi
is it possible to round measurement values (cm, mm, SUVmax) to only one digit after decimal point? This is very practical.

for ex.
0.36mm to 0.4mm
SUVmax=1.523 to 1.6
Jul 19, 2019 07:41 AM
by Dr. Elnur Mehdi
correction: SUVmax=1.523 to 1.5
Jul 21, 2019 06:40 PM
by RadiAnt
You can change the precision of measurements in the options.xml:



<units>0</units> <!-- measurement units (0 - automatic units, 1 - mm, 2 - cm, 3 - m, 4 - um, 5 - nm) -->

<precision>2</precision> <!-- number of decimal places displayed -->

<divide>0</divide> <!-- 1 - a mark is drawn in the middle of the segment -->

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